Access Control

Access Control systems allow you to control the access of users to specific areas. Unlike physical security, which is designed to keep the wrong people out, access control is designed to let the right people in. This is done using a credential reader, to open an electrically operated locking device. An access control system can track all individual users, the times they accessed certain areas, and can also restrict access at specified times.


The reader can be in many formats, this can range from a PIN issued to each user, a card or fob which is presented to a wall mounted reader, or a biometric reader which can read fingerprints. Gridlocks Locksmiths will consult with you in order to determine the system which will best suit your long term needs.

Electric Locks

The type of electric lock you need is dependent on the application. Locks can suit doors which swing and slide, gates and cupboards. Call or email Gridlocks for further information.


Intercoms can be supplied with in a variety of options for the door stations and handsets. Let us know what you need and we can tailor a package to suit you.


Gridlocks can install CCTV systems for all types of locations and applications. We can supply you with a single camera system or a multiple camera system with digital recorders for storage and playback. For hard to access areas we can supply wireless CCTV systems. Just call or email us for further details.